
Here at Uglefisk Photo, we are committed to creating an accessible digital presence for all our users, including those with disabilities.

Our measures for accessibility
We have taken steps to improve accessibility on our website, including by implementing solutions that make it easier for users with different needs to navigate and use the services we offer. We are constantly working to improve compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) and ensure a smooth and accessible user experience.

This is how we continue to work
Although we aim to ensure that our website is as accessible as possible, we recognize that there may be pages or sections that are not yet fully adapted, either due to failure to identify suitable solutions or work in progress. We are committed to continuously evaluating and improving our accessibility.

We want your feedback
If you encounter problems with the accessibility of our website, or need assistance with any of our content, we are here to help. Our commitment to accessibility is not just a technical standard, but part of our dedication.

Contact for availability
We encourage you to contact us if you have accessibility requests or need help. Your contribution helps us to improve and ensure that our services are inclusive for everyone.

Accessibility refers to the design of products, devices, services or environments so that they can be used by people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities. In a digital context, this means that websites and tools are designed so that all users, regardless of physical or sensory limitations, can fully experience the content.

For you, accessibility means that you can expect and demand a user-friendly experience when navigating the internet, regardless of personal challenges. This means that websites must be built and organized in a way that makes it possible for you to find, understand and interact with the information offered, without obstacles.